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Open Access-Publikationen werden schneller gefunden, haben mehr Reichweite und bieten freien Zugang zu Wissen.
Doch oft fehlen Standards für die Veröffentlichung. Hier setzt das Verbundprojekt „AuROA – Autor:innen und Rechtssicherheit für Open Access“ an. Im Projekt AuROA werden die Perspektiven von Autor:innen, Buchhandel, Verlagen, Bibliotheken sowie weiteren Akteur:innen im Publikationsgeschehen zusammengebracht. Wir sammeln die für den Publikationsablauf notwendigen und möglichen Leistungen in einem Leistungskatalog und diskutieren Qualitätskriterien wissenschaftlicher Publikationen. Hieraus entstehen modulare Musterverträge für Open-Access-Publikationen. Diese werden im Sommer/Herbst 2022 hier veröffentlicht und stehen anschließend frei zur Verfügung.
Im von TIB und SLUB Dresden realisierten Projektvorhaben B!SON wurde ein Empfehlungsservice für qualitätsgesicherte Open-Access-Zeitschriften implementiert (Projektlaufzeit: 04/2021-01/2023, Förderkennzeichen: 16TOA034A).

Dieses System erstellt aus der großen Menge verfügba­rer Open-Access-Zeitschriften eine nach thematischer Relevanz sortierte Liste passender Zeitschriften. Hierzu werden neben gängigen bibliometrischen Verfahren der Ähnlichkeitsbestimmung Verfahren des maschinellen Lernens verwendet, die über die semantische Ähnlichkeit von Titel bzw. Abstract eines zu veröffentlichenden Artikels relevante Publikationsorte ermitteln können. Während Auflagen zur Open-Access-Veröffentlichung stetig zunehmen und es eine wachsende Zahl an Open-Access-Zeitschriften gibt, fehlt Autor*innen häufig die Kenntnis einschlägiger, qualitätsgesicherter Open-Access-Zeitschriften, die für die Veröffentlichung eigener For­schungsarbeiten geeignet wären. Ein frei zugängliches und mit lokalen Unterstützungsstrukturen verknüpfbares Werkzeug wird helfen, die Open-Access-Umstellung erfolgreich zu gestalten.

COAR is an international association with over 130 members and partners from around the world representing libraries, universities, research institutions, government funders and others.
COAR brings together individual repositories and repository networks in order to build capacity, align policies and practices, and act as a global voice for the repository community.
COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)
COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) is committed to educating and supporting editors, publishers, universities, research institutes, and all those involved in publication ethics.
COPE aims to move the culture of publishing towards one where ethical practices become a normal part of the culture itself. Our approach is firmly in the direction of influencing through education, resources and support of our members, alongside the fostering of professional debate in the wider community.
Mehr eine Open-Access-Unterstützung, als ein eigenes OA-Projekt
COPIM Copim is an international partnership of researchers, universities, librarians, open access book publishers and infrastructure providers. It is building community-owned, open systems and infrastructures to enable open access book publishing to flourish.
CORE The world’s largest collection of open access research papers
Craft OA
Die Ziele des Projekts CRAFT-OA – Creating a Robust Accessible Federated Technology for Open Access (Entwicklung einer gemeinsamen, stabilen und zugänglichen Technologie für Open Access) – sind die Stärkung und die Weiterentwicklung des europaweiten institutionellen Publikationswesens im Diamond Open Access-Modell.
Im Diamond Open Access zahlen weder Forschende noch Lesende Gebühren für die Veröffentlichung oder den Zugriff auf wissenschaftliche Publikationen. Der Fokus des Projekts liegt auf dem Prozess der Veröffentlichung von wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften. Hierfür werden konkrete Serviceangebote und Werkzeuge entwickelt, die es den regionalen Plattformen und Serviceanbieter*innen ermöglichen, ihre Inhalte, Plattformen und Services zu erweitern und zu professionalisieren. Dadurch kann eine stärkere Vernetzung ihrer Angebote mit anderen Informationssystemen der Wissenschaft erreicht werden, wovon wiederum Wissenschaftler*innen profitieren, deren Engagement im Bereich der institutionellen Open Access-Journals erleichtert wird.
Creative-Commons-Lizenzen für Bücher Die Publikation basiert auf diskutierten Inhalten aus einer Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Fokusgruppe Open-Access-Bücher. Sie ist das Ergebnis eines vierteiligen Writing Sprint im Sommer 2022 (Juli bis September) und hat zum Ziel, Mitarbeiter:innen aus der Beratungspraxis und Autor:innen (insbesondere von Buchpublikationen) bei der Verwendung von CC-Lizenzen Tipps zur Beratung und Anwendung an die Hand zu geben.
Deep Green "DeepGreen ist ein Lieferdienst für Open-Access-Artikel. Wir versorgen Open-Access-Repositorien mit Verlagsinhalten. Automatisiert und zielgenau. Dabei streben wir folgendes an:
   Technisch zuverlässiger Dienst bei der Zuordnung und Einspeisung von Verlagsinhalten.
   Die Gewährleistung gängiger Standards und Formate.
   Zielgerichtete Monitoringmöglichkeiten und Statistiken.

Über all dem steht das Ziel, den Anteil an Open-Access-Veröffentlichungen in Repositorien in Deutschland und darüber hinaus zu steigern. Gerne laden wir alle Verlage und Repositorien ein, an DeepGreen teilzunehmen: Seien Sie dabei!"

Diamasproject The DIAMAS project addresses institutional publishers and service providers in the broadest sense, focusing on publishing initiatives that do not charge fees to authors or readers. These ‘no fee’ publishing models are collectively known as Diamond Open Access. Diamond publishers often face similar fragmentation issues, varying service quality, visibility, and sustainability.
Directory of Open Access Journals DOAJ DOAJ is a unique and extensive index of diverse open access journals from around the world, driven by a growing community, committed to ensuring quality content is freely available online for everyone.
The primary aim of DOAB is to increase discoverability of open access books.
Academic publishers are invited to provide metadata of their open access books to DOAB. DOAB is an open infrastructure committed to open science. It runs on the open source DSpace 6 platform. Metadata will be harvestable in order to maximise dissemination, visibility and impact. Aggregators can integrate the records in their commercial services and libraries can integrate the directory into their online catalogues, helping scholars and students to discover the books. The Directory is open to all publishers who publish academic, peer reviewed books in open access and should contain as many books as possible, provided that these publications are in open access and meet academic standards.
eleed eleed ist ein internationales und transdisziplinäres wissenschaftliches Journal, das sich der Gewährleistung des freien und nachhaltigen Zugangs (open access) zu Inhalten auf dem Gebiet "e-learning und Bildung" zum Ziel gesetzt hat. Dabei konzentriert sich eleed auf Beiträge, die neue Einsichten in das Zusammenwirken innovativer technologischer und didaktischer Lösungen vermitteln und deren Nutzen für die e-Learning-Forschung, den akademischen Bereich, für Industrie und Wirtschaft nachweisen können.
Emporion "Der offene Zugang zu Forschungsdaten gewinnt immer mehr an Bedeutung. Um eine Plattform für die Open Access-Publikation von Forschungsdaten und Datenpapieren aus der Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte zu schaffen, haben das DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 1859 Experience and Expectation. Historical Foundations of Economic Behavior und die Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte in Verbindung mit der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz Emporion gegründet.

Als Forschungsdaten-Hub für die Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte ermöglicht Emporion die kostenfreie und standardkonforme Veröffentlichung von Zeitreihen, historischen Statistik- und Paneldaten, vektoriellen Geodaten, Textmining-Analysen und Datenpapieren. Emporion steht auch für Beiträge aus den Feldern der Unternehmens-, Umwelt- und Technikgeschichte offen. "

Enable ENABLE!- Bibliotheken, Verlage und Autor*innen für Open Access in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften dient dazu, die Herausforderungen und Chancen, die Open Access allen Beteiligten des wissenschaftlichen Publikationsprozesses bietet, in Form eines Community-Building-Prozesses aufzugreifen. Ziel ist es, aus den einzelnen Akteuren – den Bibliotheken, Verlagen, Intermediären, Händlern, Autor*innen und Forschungsförderern – ein partnerschaftliches Netzwerk zum gemeinsamen Ermöglichen von Open-Access-Publikationen und zur Entwicklung neuer, innovativer Modelle zu bilden.
EODOPEN The EODOPEN project focuses on bringing European 20th and 21st century digitally-hidden stacks to the public forefront by directly engaging with communities in the selection, digitisation and dissemination processes while at the same time reinforcing the capacity of library staff with regards to dealing adequately with rights clearance questions. In addition, the project will broaden the scope to alternative delivery formats in order to reach an even larger audience, especially adequate formats for users of mobile devices as well as blind or visually impaired users.
European Open Science Cloud
EOSC EU Node is a platform that primarily supports multi-disciplinary and multi-national research promoting the use of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data and supplementary services in Europe and beyond.
Within this environment researchers can find easy-to-use tools and the much-needed support to both individually and collectively, plan, execute, disseminate, and assess their typical research workflows and outcomes across the EOSC ecosystem.

In addition, EOSC EU Node is a platform that facilitates the creation of the EOSC Federation, following the system of systems architectural principle of federated research infrastructures. It aims to provide a technical and administrative blueprint and interoperability framework for other potential infrastructure node candidates to be established. EOSC EU Node can be recognised as the first European-level node of the EOSC Federation promoted by the European Commission as an operationalised platform in production.

Managed services provided by the EOSC EU Node have been procured by the European Commission, hosted and operated by third-party contractors, and made available to EOSC Stakeholders primarily gathered under the EOSC Association. The oversight of EOSC EU Node platform services is provided by the EOSC Tripartite Governance.

Free our Knowledge We're building a platform to help researchers organise collective action in support of open and reproducible research practices. At Project Free Our Knowledge, we’re building the world’s first collective action platform for researchers. Our website hosts grassroots campaigns that are created and developed by the research community, and seek to normalise open and reproducible research practices. Researchers can support these campaigns by making a ‘pledge’, which is a commitment to adopt a particular action described in the campaign. Depending on the campaign design, pledges can either activate immediately (i.e., at the time of signing), or once some critical mass of pledges is met (these are called ‘conditional pledges’). By gauging community support in this way prior to taking action, ‘conditional pledges’ seek to protect researchers’ interests until such time that they can move together with their broader community. Think of it like Kickstarter, but for motivating behavioural change rather than products.
HAL HAL is a multidisciplinary open archive for the sharing of published and unpublished research. It is at the service of researchers in academic institutions, both public and private. In France, HAL is the national archive chosen by the scientific and academic community for the open dissemination of its research results. The repository is also at the service of researchers affiliated to foreign academic institutions, whether public or private.
HOAD As library consortia increasingly negotiate transformative agreements, the goal of HOAD is to highlight the extent to which hybrid journals that are part of these agreements have transitioned to full open access.
indi:oa "indi:oa - Verantwortungsbewusste Bewertung und Qualitätssicherung von Open-Access Publikationen mittels bibliometrischer Indikatoren. Anzunehmen ist, dass die Anwendung bibliometrischer Verfahren in der Beratung von Autor*innen sowie in der einrichtungsinternen und -externen Kommunikation ohne die Reflexion ihrer begrenzten Aussagekraft eine nachhaltige Open-Access-Transformation hemmen und gerade kleine und mittlere, innovative OA-Publikationsformate benachteiligen kann.

Vor diesem Hintergrund zielt das Projekt indi:oa auf einen verantwortungsbewussten Umgang mit bibliometrischen Kennzahlen bei der Bewertung primärer OA-Publikationsorte in der wissenschaftlichen Praxis. Das Projekt wird im Verbund mit dem Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung Berlin durchgeführt und kombiniert bibliometrische Studien mit Awareness-Aktivitäten. Es verfolgt drei Fragekomplexe:"

Journal Checker Tool "The Journal Checker Tool is provided by cOAlition S to authors to support them in finding Plan S compliant “routes” through which to publish their articles. The tool allows an author to enter the name of a funder, an institution and the journal to which they plan to submit an article, and checks if this combination of funder, institution and journal offers any route to compliance with Plan S.

Our current criteria for compliance centres on whether a particular journal enables a researcher to publish an article under a CC BY licence without embargo, and retain sufficient copyright to enable compliance with open access policies. You can read more about this in Unboxing the Journal Checker Tool."

LingOA Linguistics in Open Access is a non-profit foundation based in the Netherlands, a so-called Stichting in compliance with Dutch law. LingOA is formally governed by its board members and the executive editors of participating journals. Stichting LingOA was founded in 2015.
Mediarep Das Fachrepositorium media/rep/ sammelt elektronische Publikationen der kulturwissenschaftlichen Medienwissenschaft sowie aus thematisch angrenzenden Fächern und stellt diese nach den Grundsätzen des Open Access der medienwissenschaftlichen Community sowie der interessierten Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung. media/rep/ ist ein Projekt des Instituts für Medienwissenschaft und der Universitätsbibliothek der Philipps-Universität Marburg und wird seit 2017 von der DFG gefördert.
Open Access Monitor "Ein Projekt zur Einrichtung und zum Betrieb eines nationalen Open-Access-Monitors, gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.

Das Projekt trägt zur Verbesserung der Datenlage zu Open Access in Deutschland bei. Mit der Bereitstellung eines Monitorings für den Transformationsprozess von Closed Access (meist Subskriptionsausgaben) hin zu Open Access (meist Publikationsausgaben) werden die Daten bestehender Projekte zusammengefasst, deren Datenbasis ausgeweitet, in einer frei verfügbaren Anwendungsoberfläche nutzbar gemacht und in wissenschaftlichen Publikationen veröffentlicht.

Derzeit werden Daten zu Veröffentlichung in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften ausgewertet. Voraussetzung ist ein vorliegender Digital Object Identifier (DOI)."

Pathfinder "Pathfinder aims at helping editors and editorial managers to find publishing services that they can use to perform their editorial tasks on open access publications in social sciences and humanities, such as journals, books, editions and other research outputs.

Pathfinder works as a catalogue where scholarly communication services are offered, mainly by OPERAS members but possibly from other providers as well, to researchers acting as editors and editorial managers to support their work and improve its quality. Authors can also use the Pathfinder to receive suggestions for publishing the results of their research."

OA Switchboard "The OA Switchboard can be used by institutions to enhance their workflows, enable fulfilment of OA publication-level arrangements, make OA publishing highly visible, and more. Participation in the OA Switchboard will lead to enhancements in OA publication metadata and integration with the increasingly complex open access research and publishing ecosystem.

As an intermediary, the OA Switchboard simplifies the sharing of information between publishers, institutions and funders, thereby reducing the transactional cost for stakeholders, and it provides a safe space for publication metadata."

OA.Works "We’re working for a world where our systems for sharing knowledge reduce inequality, protect human rights, and feel kinder. That starts with opening up how we share research.

At OA.Works, we’re partnered with libraries, scholars, educators, and the people who fund them so that research is read openly, used easily, and published freely. We need to anchor information dissemination in the pursuit of justice and in the service of kindness.

We build tools like that make it simple to freely and legally unlock papers from behind paywalls. We helped create a global network of libraries sharing knowledge freely during COVID through RSCVD. Our tools like InstantILL and Open Access Button support accessing research without a steep price tag. In the past decade, our products have been used millions of times, across the world.

We founded OA.Works in 2013 as students in reaction to a corporatized and locked down scholarly publishing landscape. Today, our work is driven by a dedicated and expert team, supported by generous funding, and committed to a strong set of values that keep us driven towards our goal."

OALIB "Open Access Library (OALib) consists of:
 • the Search Engine, based on a database with metadata of Open Access (OA) papers
 • the Journal with OALib Articles,
 • the Index with metadata entries of external OA journal articles,
 • the Repository with own OALib PrePrints as well as external preprints and postprints, all stored in one of the 322 OALib Disciplinary Repositories.

OALib is currently hosting links and metadata to more than 5,752,930 open access articles covering a wide range of academic disciplines. All full text articles from your search results are free to download."

OAPEN OAPEN promotes and supports the transition to open access for academic books by providing open infrastructure services to stakeholders in scholarly communication. We work with publishers to build a quality-controlled collection of open access books and provide services for publishers, libraries, and research funders in the areas of hosting, deposit, quality assurance, dissemination, and digital preservation.
OAPublishing Collective "Die OAPublishing Collective ist eine Verlagsgenossenschaft für wissenschaftliche Inhalte aus den Bereichen Bildung/Erziehung, Medien/Pädagogik, Kultur, Code, Soziale Arbeit und vieles mehr.

Die Genossenschaft bezweckt in politisch und konfessionell neutraler Weise durch gemeinsame Selbsthilfe den Mitgliedern die Veröffentlichung, die Herausgabe, den Verlag sowie weitere Dienstleistungen im Zusammenhang mit öffentlich zugänglichen, wissenschaftlichen Fachpublikationen, insbesondere und nicht abschliessend über Open Access und diese Publikationen der Allgemeinheit offen auf geeignete Weise zur Verfügung zu stellen. Der Zweck beinhaltet überdies – und nicht abschliessend – die Betreuung und das Hosting von Zeitschriften, die verlagsmässige Produktion und Verbreitung von Buch- und Heftformaten sowie Dienstleistungen im Bereich von Fachpublikationen"

OASPA "OASPA is a diverse community of organisations engaged in open scholarship. Our membership includes scholar-led and professional publishers of books and journals, across varied geographies and disciplines, as well as infrastructure and other services. We are a trusted convenor of the broad, global spectrum of open access stakeholders and a proven venue for productive collaboration

We encourage and enable open access as the predominant model of communication for scholarly outputs."

OJS Open Journal Systems (OJS) ist die weltweit bekannteste Software zur Verwaltung und Veröffentlichung von wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften.
Open Access Button " We urgently need trusted knowledge that’s fairly owned, created, and read. We’re addressing that by creating a family of library-aligned, open source tools built not-for-profit, but for-change. Our tools make it simpler to do research without subscriptions.

The project started when students got tired of hitting paywalls. Instead of accepting their frustration, they became inspired and took an idea to track the impact of paywalls to a hackday. The Open Access Button was launched in November 2013. (Siehe Folgeprojekt OA.Works)"

The Open Access Button is now built by OA.Works. Same people, new name! Read more about our rebrand.
Open Access Network Auf finden Sie neben Informationen rund um Open Access vielfältige Fortbildungs- und Vernetzungsangebote, zu denen wir Sie herzlich einladen! Konkrete individuelle Beratung bietet Ihnen der oa.helpdesk.
Open Book Publisher We are the leading independent open access publisher of academic research in the Humanities and Social Sciences in the UK: we're award-winning, not-for-profit, run by scholars, and committed to making high-quality research freely available to readers around the world. Access all our books online or download them for free, with no Book Processing Charges (BPCs) for authors.
Open Library of Humanities (OLH) "The Open Library of Humanities (OLH) is an award-winning publisher of humanities scholarship based at Birkbeck, University of London. We play a leading role within a growing ecosystem of scholar-led digital publishing, that combines cutting-edge technology with community governance and not-for-profit principles. This has become known as diamond open access.

We publish 30 open-access journals and are funded by more than 340 libraries worldwide, who have joined us in our mission to make scholarly publishing fairer, more accessible, and rigorously preserved for the digital future.

The peer-reviewed scholarship we publish showcases some of the most dynamic research in humanities disciplines. Our journals cover topics including classics, modern languages, philosophy, theology, history, political theory, sociology, anthropology, film and new media studies, and digital humanities. We pride ourselves on being at the cutting edge of online journal publishing – with high-quality presentation, robust digital preservation, strong discoverability, and easy-to-share social media buttons. "

Landesinitiative "Die Landesinitiative dient als Serviceeinrichtung für die Hochschulen in NRW. Das Projekt richtet sich an die Forschungsdezernate der Hochschulen, strategische Entscheider:innen, Infrastruktureinrichtungen und alle Akteur:innen aus dem Handlungsfeld Open Access (Bibliotheken, Open-Access-Beauftragte u.a.). Die Landesinitiative unterstützt die Hochschulen in NRW beim Aufbau innovativer und bedarfsorientierter Services und bietet darüber hinaus einen Ort für landesweite Diskurse und Positionierungen zum Thema Open Access.

Das Projektkonsortium besteht aus Universitäten, Fach-, Kunst- und Musikhochschulen in NRW, sowie dem Hochschulbibliothekszentrum (hbz). Konsortialführerin ist die Universität Duisburg-Essen."

OpenAlex OpenAlex is a free and open catalog of the global research system. It's named after the ancient Library of Alexandria and made by the nonprofit OurResearch.
Openapc "The OpenAPC initiative collects and disseminates datasets on fees paid for open access publishing on GitHub under an open database license.

We aggregate data on Open Access journal articles (APCs), Open Access Books (BPCs) and data on articles published under transformative agreements (Like Springer Compact or Wiley DEAL). All data is provided voluntarily by universities and other HEI, funders or national consortia. Please have a look at this guidelines on how to contribute to OpenAPC. OpenAPC is located at Bielefeld University Library. The project was set up in collaboration with the DINI working group Electronic Publishing. Since 2021 it is part of OpenAIRE Nexus."

OpenDOAR Statistics

OpenDOAR will be moving! Our new site is launching soon. We'll redirect you, so you won't have to do anything.

We are currently working on a new statistics platform, which will be released as part of the new OpenDOAR website. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact the Sherpa team.

Open Research Library The Open Research Library (ORL) is planned to include all Open Access book content worldwide on one platform for user-friendly discovery, offering a seamless experience navigating more than 14,000 Open Access books. This vital infrastructure is slated to comprise the most comprehensive collection of peer-reviewed Open Access books accessible for everyone. Libraries investing in the Open Research Library contribute to the development of a dedicated infrastructure for the global research community, while participating libraries have the opportunity to benefit from a set of exclusive services.
PANTER Im Projekt PANTER soll ein zuverlässiges, frei verfügbares Vergleichsportal für Finanzierungsmodelle, Preise und Preisentwicklungen auf dem Open-Access-Zeitschriftenmarkt entstehen. Es ermöglicht dann allen Akteur:innen im Open-Access-Bereich, Preise für Publikationsdienstleistungen zu vergleichen. Gleichzeitig schafft es Transparenz in der Preispolitik auf dem Publikationsmarkt und macht mittel- und langfristige Trends sichtbar. Das Vorhaben wird durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) im Rahmen des Förderbereichs "Etablierung einer gelebten Open-Access-Kultur" in der Fördermaßnahme "Digitaler Wandel in Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung" gefördert.
Policy Alignment of Open Access Monographs in the European Research Area The PALOMERA project (Supporting the development of aligned policies for open access books and monographs) is funded by the European Union for two years under the Horizon Europe program: Reforming and enhancing the European R&I System ( In a nutshell, it seeks to understand why so few OA funder policies include books, and to provide actionable recommendations to change this.
punctum books, founded in Brooklyn, New York in 2011, and now incorporated in Santa Barbara, California as a public benefit corporation co-directed by Eileen A. Fradenburg Joy and Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei
It is an independent queer- and scholar-led, community-formed, and peer-reviewed Sparkly Diamond open-access (OA) publisher devoted to academic and para-academic authors working in any field in the humanities, social sciences, fine arts, and architecture & design who want to publish books that are genre-queer and genre-bending and which take experimental risks with the forms and styles of intellectual writing. Our authors understand that where they publish is just as important as the content of their work, and that sharing their work with the global commons is vital and necessary. Three primary concentrations for us are (1) books that shift the paradigm in established disciplines; (2) books that help to create emerging transdisciplinary fields; and (3) books that play in the fields of creatively speculative thought (Submission Guidelines). Following the contours sketched out above, we also welcome multi-authored essay volumes that are creatively conceptualized and expertly curated around specific themes, subjects, debates, approaches, and the like.
Radical Open Access Collective Formed in 2015, the Radical Open Access Collective is a community of scholar-led, not-for-profit presses, journals and other open access projects. Now consisting of more than 70 members, we promote a progressive vision for open publishing in the humanities and social sciences. What we have in common is an understanding of open access as being characterised by a spirit of ongoing creative experimentation. We also share a willingness to subject some of our most established scholarly communication practices to creative critique, together with the institutions that sustain them (the university, the library, the publishing house and so on). The collective thus offers a radical ‘alternative’ to the conservative versions of open access that are currently being put forward by commercially-oriented presses, funders and policy makers.
Diamond Open Access Journals Germany (DOAG) Datenpublikation: Diamond Open Access Journals Germany (DOAG) 2022 als CSV-Datei
Scholarly Communications in Transition Der Blog Scholarly Communications in Transition thematisiert das sich wandelnde Feld wissenschaftlichen Kommunikation sowie damit einhergehenden Phänomene. Ausgangspunkt der Blogbeiträge sind Themen, Fragestellungen und Überlegungen, die im Projekt Predatory Publishing, einem Teilprojekt von Austrian Transition to Open Access 2 (AT2OA2), ihren Ursprung haben. Dieses Teilprojekt bringt Bibliothekar*innen mit anderen administrativen Mitarbeiter*innen an wissenschaftlichen Institutionen (z.B. Forschungsservice) zusammen. Die Beiträge im Blog werden von Projektteilnehmer*innen verfasst.
SSOAR Social Science Open Access Repository
The-Fair-Open-Access-Principles Link führt zu einer anderen Seite "We are a group of scholars and librarians aiming to help transform the conventions of scholarly publishing, and return control of the publication process to the scholarly community.

The Fair Open Access Alliance is an overarching organization aimed at coordinating efforts toward sustainable open access scholarly publishing, following the principles of Fair Open Access."

Projektseite ist offline, via Waybackmaschine können die Texte ausgelesen werden Archivierte Seite
Think. Check. Submit. Think. Check. Submit. helps researchers identify trusted journals and publishers for their research. Through a range of tools and practical resources, this international cross-sector initiative aims to educate researchers, promote integrity, and build trust in credible research and publications.
Why-Plan-S "On 4 September 2018, a group of national research funding organisations, with the support of the European Commission and the European Research Council (ERC), announced the launch of cOAlition S, an initiative to make full and immediate Open Access to research publications a reality. It is built around Plan S, which consists of one target and 10 principles.

cOAlition S signals the commitment to implement the necessary measures to fulfil its main principle: “With effect from 2021, all scholarly publications on the results from research funded by public or private grants provided by national, regional and international research councils and funding bodies, must be published in Open Access Journals, on Open Access Platforms, or made immediately available through Open Access Repositories without embargo.”"

Wiki Open Access NRW "Hier entsteht das Wiki der Landesinitiative In Zukunft möchten wir diese Plattform gemeinsam mit allen Akteur:innen aus dem Handlungsbereich Open Access in NRW nutzen, um relevante Informationen zum Thema Open Access auszutauschen und zu sammeln."
"Built and developed by researchers, to ensure that everyone can join in Open Science.
The OpenAIRE project, in the vanguard of the open access and open data movements in Europe was commissioned by the EC to support their nascent Open Data policy by providing a catch-all repository for EC funded research. CERN, an OpenAIRE partner and pioneer in open source, open access and open data, provided this capability and Zenodo was launched in May 2013. In support of its research programme CERN has developed tools for Big Data management and extended Digital Library capabilities for Open Data. Through Zenodo these Big Science tools could be effectively shared with the long­-tail of research."